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160216 [NOTICE] Playdium MBLAQ's Event 1 Winners + Event 2 Notice

[Event Winners]
Hello. It's Pladium ^^.
Our first "Surprise Event" winners are finally out!
We are surprised that more people than we expected have participated.
We sincerely appreciate for your participation.
1st prize winner : 김수진
2nd prize winner : Yik Han
3rd prize winner : Jacqueline Borges
Congratulations to all winners! ^^
Pladium will send private messages to you all.
We have our second event all ready for you.
Event 2 :
“The Playdium MBLAQ that we design together!”
Hello, this is Playdium.
We started our beta testing 10 days ago and in order to make a better service for our users, we are offering them the chance to give us their opinions.
After playing the game, please send us information about your user experience, including what you would like changed or added.
We will carefully consider your responses for the improvement of the game for our valued users like you.
How to apply for event
1. Capture User page appearing after touching the icon in the top left corner
2. improvement or inconvenience after creating a good Adige
3. Attach the written contents and "User page captured image"
E-mail: Send to
Event time: February 16, 2016 to February 29th (Republic of Korea time)
Winner selection: Pladium developers will vote for the winner:
Winner Announcement: Event winner will be posted on the Pladium Facebook page on March, 3rd, 2016.
Event Rewards:
First place:
- Playdium Platinum license: You can enjoy all Pladium contents that will be released in the future.
- Your name along with your photo will be engraved in Playdium lobby for a month ( from March 10th to April 10th)
2nd place winner:
- Playdium MBLAQ VVIP license: You can enjoy all MBLAQ contents that will be released from now on.
- 1000 Playdium Gems.
3rd place winner:
- Playdium MBLAQ Dance All license
- 600 Playdium Gems
To all participants:
- 100 Playdium Gems
Event rewards will be applied after the March 10th update.

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Item Reviewed: 160216 [NOTICE] Playdium MBLAQ's Event 1 Winners + Event 2 Notice Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Only Seungho
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